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Ripon Poetry Festival

Ripon Poetry Festival

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Michael Rosen – Adisa the Verbaliser – Sarah Wimbush – Hadley-James Hoyles Alison Carr – Robert Powell – Write On Ripon – Tim Harrison – Andy Croft – Ripon Writers – Barrie Rutter

Six years after helping to kick-start the very first Ripon Poetry Festival, Michael Rosen makes a very welcome return to the festival line-up, which also includes readings and performances by Adisa the Verbaliser, Hadley-James Hoyles, Alison Carr, Robert Powell and Sarah Wimbush, poetry-workshops for children and grown-ups, an open mic night; the launch of this year’s festival anthologies, the world premiere of a chamber oratorio by Tim Harrison and Andy Croft, and an evening with theatre legend Barrie Rutter.

To find out more about the festival, to join our mailing list or to become a Friend of the Ripon Poetry Festival contact Andy Croft (01765 658917), Paul Mills (01765 603633) or ask at the Little Ripon Bookshop or fill in the form here

Follow the Festival on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, and feel free to live-post during events.

Festival programme at a glance
Tickets now on sale at The Little Ripon Bookshop or online – click on the days or events

below to find out more

20:00 Open Mic Evening
Claro Lounge

18.30 Michael Rosen
Operatic Hall/Ripon Arts Hub

10.00 Children’s Poetry workshop
with Adisa the Verbaliser
Tickets £2 (Accompanying Adults free)

Ripon Library

11.00 Sarah Wimbush and Robert Powell:
Writing from Photographs
Tickets £10
Ripon Library

14.00 Sarah Wimbush and Robert Powell
Tickets £5

Operatic Hall/Ripon Arts Hub

15.15   Alison Carr
Tickets £5

Operatic Hall/Ripon Arts Hub

16.30   Hadley-James Hoyles
Tickets £5

Operatic Hall/Ripon Arts Hub

17.30   Children’s Anthology Launch
Tickets £6 (Under 18s Free)

Operatic Hall/Ripon Arts Hub

19.30 Grown-Ups Festival Anthology Launch
Tickets £6 (Under 18s Free)
Operatic Hall/Ripon Arts Hub

19.30  When Stars Fill Darkened Skies
Chamber Oratorio by Andy Croft and Tim Harrison
Tickets £10
The Leper Chapel

18.00 An audience with Barrie Rutter
Operatic Hall/Ripon Arts Hub

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