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Harrogate Guide. Events and Festivals

Harrogate Skills 4 Living Centre

Harrogate Skills 4 Living Centre – Visit the website here – Location: Harrogate

Description: Providing information, activities and education in an informal setting for people with a wide range of needs. This includes both specific adult literacy groups and leisure library resource base with the aim to empower people with the skills and confidence to lead a full life. Formerly known as The Junction.

About us

Originally formed back in 1994 as The Junction, Harrogate Skills 4 Living became established as a charity in 2010 with the ‘day-skills’ centre-hub on North Park road in central Harrogate. During the past decade, our needs-led approach has resulted in lots of diversification and we’re proud to offer a wide range of care and support services for people with learning difficulties and autism in the locality.

From housing to employment and health to skills development we have a broad range of programmes available: we’ve even recently started two exciting new social enterprises – the Harrogate Chocolate Factory and the Harrogate Chocolate Factory Café both run with and by our trainees.

We’re not content to stop there though as we believe that there are still many other types of care and support services that are needed. That’s why in 2022 we’re starting our ENGAGE22 project which aims to find out what’s working well and what’s not working so well in our local community of people with learning difficulties and autism (including families and carers). This will be your chance to have a say about the future of social care and support services here in Harrogate – please watch out for further information coming soon about how you can get involved.

Day Services

Our approach to education, training and learning for our students and service users is completely tailored to their individual needs and aspirations. At HS4L we deliver both accredited and non-accredited courses. Learning may be delivered in a number of locations and either on a one to one basis or in small groups.

Below are some of the areas that students and service users can follow:

Maintaining independence and living independently

Developing new skills and interests

Participating more in community life

Transitioning into adulthood

Developing skills and competencies that support the journey to employment

Day services

HS4L skill – centre courses are designed to be fun and engaging and aim to help develop independence skills and contribute towards a fulfilled life. A full list of what’s on offer is available in our prospectus.

Students can attend for full or half days up to five days a week and choose from a variety of courses.

Creative Crafts

Food & Catering

Music Courses

Allotment Group

Computer Skills

Health & Well-being

Friday Fun & Friendship

Out & About

Skills for Independence

Gym & Fitness sessions

We sometimes have the flexibility to run additional courses at our day centre and in the wider community. If there is something you would like HS4L to run that isn’t in our current prospectus, please contact us to see how we can best meet your needs.

HS4L is an accredited learning provider. Learners will be informed of any opportunities to work towards a qualification during their studies.

If you’re interested in joining any of HS4L sessions but you’re not sure, why not come and meet some of the staff and have a look around before making a decision.


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