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All Useful and Emergency Numbers

All Useful & Emergency Phone Numbers

Business: All Useful & Emergency Phone Numbers

Location: Harrogate & Districts

Description :

Useful and Emergency Phone numbers for Harrogate North Yorkshire

Police (North Yorkshire Police) – in an emergency call 999 – non-emergency 101

Fire (North Yorkshire Fire and Rescue) – in an emergency call 999

Ambulance (Yorkshire Ambulance Services) – in an emergency call 999

NHS – 111

Transdev Bus Company 01423 566061

Electrical Northern Power Grid 0800 375675

Gas (Gas emergencies) – 0800 111999

Yorkshire Water Leaks – 0800 573553

BT report line/fault line – 0800 800151

Environment Agency Floodline – 0345 988 1188

Environment Agency incident number – 0800 807060

RSPCA (emergency number) – 0300 123 4999

Highways Agency – 0300 123 5000

Harrogate Borough Council (emergency number) – 01423 556300 (the emergency number is only for genuine emergencies relating to council services) – non-emergency 01423 500600

North Yorkshire Council for both emergencies and non emergencies – 0300 131 2 131

North Yorkshire County Council Registrars – 01609 780780

North Yorkshire County Council Trading Standards – 01609 798885

Trading Standards – Consumer Advice – 0345 404 0506

Harrogate District Hospital, Lancaster Park Rd, Harrogate HG2 7SX

Phone: 01423 553300

Social Care outside office hours, including weekends and public holidays, on 01609 780780


When do you call 999?

In an emergency, but what’s that? The police say you should call 999 if:

  • You’ve been mugged, badly hurt or attacked in anyway
  • If you see any serious crime taking place
  • If there’s a chance the criminal is still nearby

Your call should be answered within ten seconds.

Police, ambulance, or fire?

When your call is first answered you will be speaking to an operator who will ask you which service you require. The operator will connect you to the service you request. The operator stays on the line with the caller until satisfied that communication has been established. Once you’re connected to the police there are two things they’ll want to know straight away:

  • The exact location the police are required
  • Why do you want the police?

You will also be asked for your name and the number that you’re calling from.

What’s the international emergency number?

Call 112 if you’re not in the UK and you’ll be put through to the appropriate emergency service in exactly the same way as if you had called 999. Available everywhere in the EU, as well as certain countries outside the EU, such as Switzerland and South Africa, 112 is a standardised number that’s worth remembering if you’re travelling abroad.

Calling from a mobile

Calls to 999 or 112 are free on all mobile phones. You can even call these numbers when you have no credit and can’t make any calls. Additionally, they’ll work across networks, so even if you don’t have a signal if the phone can pick up another network it will use that. (But obviously if it can’t get any signal then it won’t work.)

Hoax calls

Not only are you endangering the lives of others, you could face prosecution. Think before you make that ‘there’s a bomb in my school‘ (I want to wag off classes) call.

Non-emergency situations — call 101

If you want to report a crime to the police but it’s not an emergency the number to call is 101.

You can call the non-emergency number for:

  • Vandalism, graffiti and other deliberate damage to property
  • Noisy neighbours
  • Threatening and abusive behaviour
  • Abandoned vehicles
  • Rubbish and litter, including fly tipping
  • Drunk or rowdy behaviour in public places
  • Drug-related anti-social behaviour
  • Problems with street lighting


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